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Cleen Sweet Orange Pure Essential Oils 10ml
Cleen Sweet Orange Pure Essential Oils 10ml
Cleen Sweet Orange Pure Essential Oils 10ml

Cleen Sweet Orange Pure Essential Oils 10ml

RM42.00 MYR
Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis

Processing Method: Cold Pressed

Plant Part: Fruit Peel

Description / Color / Consistency: A thin, yellowish orange to golden brown liquid.

Origin:  Italy

Sweet Orange oil has a sweet, warm, summery fragrance that makes you feel like an energetic child, ready to go out and experience the world again. In addition to its sweet scent, Orange oil can lift your mood, clean surfaces, and so much more. With its delightful citrus scent, orange oil is easy to enjoy and use on a daily basis.

Immune system enhancement

Natural antibacterial agent

Natural ant repellant

Blood pressure reducer

Anti-inflammatory and pain reducer

Anxiety calmer

Mood booster

Sleep promote

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

Topical use: Apply one to two drops to desired area.


A gentle scent of lavender and sweet orange eases the tension, and settles you down in a calm state.q.jpg橙系精油最知名的就是舒压放松的香味,甜橙精油有明亮精油之称,细致甜蜜的橘子香,味道清新,香甜,带有温暖的阳光气息,能带来好心情,让人感到心情愉悦,赋予疲倦紧张生理最佳能量,在安眠舒压,平衡紧张压力上有非常出色的功效。甜橙精油是属于镇定,平衡的精油,也是温和安全的精油,孕妇,小孩,老人都适用,也可以带来舒眠的效果。